Minggu, 31 Maret 2019



Eine einzigartige und dezentralisierte Anwendung zahlt sich aus, um bestimmte Aufgaben auszuführen.

aQuest ist eine außergewöhnliche dezentrale Anwendung, mit der Sie bestimmte Aufgaben erledigen können. So einfach ist das. Dies wird von Enkronos gemacht. Der Kreditrahmen ist jetzt an persönliche Aufzeichnungen gebunden und stellt einen gemeinsamen Vermögenswert zwischen jedem auf seiner Plattform ausgegebenen Artikel dar. Das Endziel ist, AQU-Token als Brennstoff zu erhalten. Erstellen Sie eine offene Blockchain-Sammlung, die auf mi Quest basiert.
Quests sind eine außergewöhnliche Methode, um die Anzahl der Kunden in der Enkrono-App zu erhöhen, während sie gesammelt werden
Lösung Erstellen, Erstellen einer Systemsteuerung ÜBER Marketingkampagnen bis zu hohen Systemklassen und -plattformen in Sängern Der Fokus darauf, das Beste zu geben, um ALLEN Telkom zu überprüfen, wird ALLE Teilnehmern gezeigt, die dazu beitragen sollen ALLE telkom Husband für eine Preisüberprüfung nach Abschluss der Suche, so dass alle Benutzer sehr daran interessiert sind, einen Beitrag zu dieser Plattform für die Aufgabenkontrolle zu leisten. Alle Überprüfungsunterstützung ist sehr gut.
Hochleistungs-aQuest zur Steuerung von Ökosystemen IN Marketingkampagne INNEN Es gibt Anwendungen mit Spitzentechnologie, und dann wird aQuest in die Enkronos-Anwendung integriert, und der Sänger macht die gesamte Qualität bei der Erstellung der Ersteller auch in der Kampagne. Mit der Enkronos-Anwendung können wir dann alle Benutzer problemlos erfassen Das Gebäude ist mit anderen Benutzern verbunden, und die aQuest-Steuerelemente konzentrieren sich darauf, das Engagement zu verbessern


Aquest   ist eine dezentralisierte Anwendung mit einer einfachen und einfachen Benutzeroberfläche, die es Geschäftsinhabern und großen Unternehmen ermöglicht, verschiedene Aufgaben für Kunden und Verbraucher zu erledigen, um Informationen über die Hypothyasthyhasthyasthyaspansasimeni zu erhalten
Diese Anwendung wird von den folgenden Kategorien verwendet:
  • ico Erfinder;
  • Finanzdienstleistungssektor;
  • Blockchain-sektor;
  • pharmazeutisches Unternehmen;
  • Handelsvertreter;
  • berühmte marke.
Integration mit der Enkronos-Anwendung und dann dort. Mit automatisierten Plattform-Websites, die auf allen Preisen basieren, für die erc-20-Token verwendet werden, sowie mit mehr Aufgaben und mehr Variabilität für alle Benutzer, die zu dieser Plattform beitragen.
Token-Name:    AQU
Preis von vorher ico:     0,003 ETH
Preis von Ico:     0,006 ETH
Plattform:     Ethereum
Softcap:     1 Million US-Dollar
Hardcap:     39 Millionen US-Dollar
Pre ico:     2019-01-24 – 2019-02-21
ICO:     2019-02-25 – 2019-04-09
Gesamtes Team: 
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unten:
Website:    https://www.aquest.io/
Telegramm:     https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=     @aQuest     _io
Medium:     https://medium.com/enkronos
durch; 4000 Kopisusu


 Monthly Passive Income for Token Holders
What is eGold Mining?
eGold Mining is a community of people who want to mine crypto currencies by combining resources to achieve savings on cutting-edge equipment, professional care, and very cheap electricity. We are conducting a Token Sale to build the largest crowdfunded crypto mining operation in the world. The eGold Mining Token will be an eGM Token.
eGold Mining will operate a large-scale cryptocurrency mining facility in the cold South Dakota state. South Dakota is the right place to start cryptocurrency mining activities, especially with low electricity costs of 4.5 cents / kWh. The EGM Token will be a digital currency supported by a gold ETF.
eGold Mining will provide incentives to EGMS holders for the long term, regardless of market conditions. We want to reward investors who are only "HODL" and who trust the future of our company. The longer an investor holds, the longer he produces.
Our goal is to position the company to become the leading brand of cryptocurrency profit sharing operating in the United States. At present, no licensed title shares profits with long-term token holders in the United States, so the market is largely open to recovery. After extensive research and feasibility studies, we were very enthusiastic and convinced that this operation would benefit all parties.
Why is eGold mining?
profit sharing
50% of the net income is shared with voucher holders every month, six months and years, the approval of the funds on the accumulation of G-points and the length of time the EGM voucher is stored. Payments are made through smart payments at ETH.
eGM takes appropriate action to resolve all US state security regulations. The aim is to become a company for the first US-based mining results. The EGM was designed to work under the jurisdiction of South Dakota, USA.
Companies registered in the US provide investment security compared to similar companies throughout the world. Registration for eGold Mining companies can be found here.
Electricity costs for mining are less than 4.5 cents per kWh under all additional cost factors. eGM has the cheapest electricity costs from all mining companies with results.
Unlike traditional profit sharing, eGM rewards investors with a point system known as "G-Spot". The G-spot system offers the biggest benefits for long-term voucher holders.
There is no contract
Unlike cloud mining, eGM does not require a purchase contract, or hash hash to earn profits. Benefits are shared if you only hold GMGM eGM and collect G-points.
General meetings provide incentives for long-term holders, because the longer they hold, the higher the profits generated. This is issued by the following payment structure.
The aim of ITO is to raise sufficient funds to cover the initial operating costs. It also has to distribute eGM tokens among token buyers so that they can begin to get a share of the profits from mining. EGM tokens play an important role in getting your share of extracted cryptocurrency.
There will be a total of 25 million eGM tokens. 20 million tokens will be available to the public through pre-sales and ITO, and 5 million other tokens will be distributed to directors and consultants.
Directors will be kept in deposit wallets for two years, and since then they cannot sell more than 50% of their tokens a year. They must divide 50% into monthly sales (4.16% per month) and report the sale of their tokens to our monthly public accounting reports.
Four years later, directors were allowed to freely sell all of their EGM tokens a week after reporting their sales intentions. Consultants can sell all their tokens after two years of ownership, but must first report the company's sales intentions.
Short-term Holders
  • Dividends are paid every month
  • Reset the G-point every month
  • 25% of profit
  • They must hold a token for a full month to receive profit sharing
Long-term Holder
  • Dividends are paid every six months
  • Reset the G-point every six months
  • 15% part of profit
  • They must hold tokens for at least three months to receive profit sharing
Elite Holder
  • Dividends are paid annually
  • G-points are never reset
  • 10% of profit
  • They must hold tokens for at least six months to receive profit sharing
ITO Requirements and Budget Allocation
Soft Cap 1 = $ 8m
Soft Cap 2 = $ 12m
Soft Cap 3 = $ 20m
Hard Cap = $ 50m
Calculation is based on 8/02/2018 mining difficulties (subject to change)
Calculations are based on Soft Cap 2
Energy Levels ~ 4.5c / kWh
Energy costs can change by market for
natural gas Energy levels will range from 4c-4.5c / kWh
Your EGM team
EGMS Advisor
To get more detailed information, visit the following address;
by ; Kopisusu 4000
link: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953415

Sabtu, 30 Maret 2019



Platform Built to Help Student Graduation

See the picture on Twitter
Gooreo is a unique platform designed to help graduates find jobs that suit their specialties, and also to provide opportunities for business owners to get talented students, including young and new graduates, to work temporarily or permanently in their organizations.
Gooreo creates a platform to simplify the job search process for graduates and new graduates, thereby improving their livelihoods. Corporate organizations also benefit greatly from this platform, because it minimizes or completely eliminates high costs from recruitment services to find the right talent needed for their specific roles, thereby maximizing long-term profits.

How does it work?

● Every student must register their account on the platform and create their own professional resume.
● The company will publish vacancies and place the required competencies, also determine whether the job is on the spot or long distance.
● Job vacancies will be available directly to all students studying in the same field (and in the same country if they are in the field), to enable them to apply for jobs in companies looking for employees.
● Applicants are accepted through the same site, and applicants can register through social networks.
● After the student completes his work at the company through the Gooreo platform, he will receive the certificate generated by the system and will also receive an assessment from the employer (medium, good, good)

The goal we want to achieve:

  • Develop     Gooreo     as one of the most useful applications for students and business owners to find desired jobs and applicants quickly and easily anytime and in any country.
  • Immediately deploy applications in all countries to prove to the world that the Oreo model is an efficient model that is feasible on a global scale
  • Constant platform improvements based on user feedback and road maps to continue to bring new features to the public.
  • Innovate and disrupt traditional ways of advancing work to balance technological progress and fast-paced life.
  • Increase the funds needed to spread applications globally
  • Develop a decentralized and autonomous network between students and Business Organizations with a broad base of new features, services, and transactions.
Our aim is to help newly graduated students find assignments in their field of specialization and also help companies gain abilities along with their knowledge. 
Oreo Token
Help in building trust between service providers and providers outside the System Will Enable community to build Cryptocurrency trust tokens. Because the value will soon become a gooreo system that must be attractive. Many users fully take advantage of this new digital economy based on the fact that the blockchain group will get the benefits of tokens that can function as payments for the many services offered. In addition, Payments to reach the capacity level of this platform. Become efficient and to gain market share in its direct competitors, Identity management tools. This profile, therefore, gives everyone a record of capable foundations and about 5 million users who use crypto currencies.

Vision and mission

  • Of all the software that is the rival of Employment with unique characteristics and properties that exclude us. Our vision is to be an optimal / optimal program in the area of ​​children
  • Our aim is to help newly graduated students find assignments in their field of specialization and also help companies gain abilities along with their knowledge.

Token Oreo

Help in building trust between service providers and providers outside the System Will Enable community to build Cryptocurrency trust tokens. Because the value will soon become a gooreo system that must be interesting. Many users fully utilize this new digital economy based on the fact that the blockchain group will get the benefits of tokens that can function as payments for the many services offered. In addition, Payments to reach the platform’s capacity level. Become efficient and to gain market share in its direct competitors, Identity management tools. This profile, therefore, gives everyone a record of capable foundations and about 5 million users who use crypto currencies
In the main order, these additions will benefit graduates, they will be able to find a system for completing internships, using the knowledge gained in practice, obtaining the necessary practices, characterizing themselves before possible employers and staying at a stable base in this company. Simultaneous students after graduation, with the support of Gooreo supplements, will be able to find attractive services and go straight there. The owner of the institution will be able to increase the cost of hiring and save the time of attendance of employees. The government will win with the introduction of this platform as a consequence of the inaccessibility of the need for sandbox formation and integrators for young professional purposes, which are needed for the purpose of communication between commercial and employees.

Token Information

Coin Name:Koin OREO
Total Supply1.000.000.000
Address of Contract0xfb71ab03d371c43f5e2f3747e5f790370399e778

Budget Allocation

  • 45% Product Development Product development in accordance with the road map.
  • 25% Marketing & partnership Cost to attract business owners, establish partnerships with universities.
  • 12% Operating Costs, salaries of non-technology staff.
  • 3% Establishment of Law, contracts with business owners, development of legal contracts to use services and many other legal jobs.
  • 15% of C-level executive salary management.


November – December 2018
Pre-ICO and ICO
February 23, 2019
Release of the New Bounty Campaign
May 1, 2019
List of OREO in 3 main exchanges (Latoken, IDCM, and CoinTiger)
1 July 2019
Additional crypto exchange lists
15 – 28 February 2019
The Alpha version release for the Gooreo platform includes Android and iOS applications.
March 15, 2019 – April 30, 2019
Launch of main ICO sales.
May 15, 2019
Distribution of gift tokens for old and new campaigns

Further information:

Website:     https://gooreo.com/

Jumat, 29 Maret 2019



health data storage platform and blockchain based analysis

The all-round mHealthCoin platform is a blockchain-based health data storage and analysis platform. When members do exercises and follow healthy habits, health data will be captured by our mobile application and can be used intelligently and encrypted and sent to the blockchain. Every user will have their own chain to maintain health information and accounts, new coins will be generated when health information grows. The Blockchain will be based on the blockchain Nxt, using the consensus Proof of Stake (PoS).
Our application is also a versatile platform for colleagues to manage their data and wallets. Our Smartwearable supports 24-hour monitoring and various special features for different needs.
Exchange of cloud health tokens will be a market for you to use your coins on whatever your heart wants. Analysis of Small and Large Data and AI will be used to provide users with discounts, services and goods that are most relevant to their health and fitness goals. A chatbot, bob the chatbot, will be built to offer personalized advice to further encourage members to follow healthy habits and achieve their health and fitness goals. Therefore a positive feedback loop is formed.


This project aims to build an ecosystem that users get the benefits of maintaining a healthy body, in addition to being healthy. Our mobile application, which is connected to usable smart devices, collects health information to claim award tokens from our token store. Users can claim prizes from us and our partners using tokens. In the next phrase, being healthy becomes a mining activity. mHealth Coin, a compatible ERC-20 coin, is given when users maintain healthy habits, such as drinking water, deep sleep, exercise, with our mobile application. Coins will be well recognized by various parties internationally when the project takes place.

Our mission

We believe that everyone in the world must be aware of their own health, no matter how old we are, how fat we are, or even how tall we are. But, in fact, most people are likely to be aware of their health situation until they get sick, serious illness, abnormal conditions or other forms of “illness” instead of trying to prevent it in the previous stage. Our mission is to provide a platform with more diverse data collected for users to understand their own health status to get some incentives by improving health status or awareness of their own health. The broad ideology of proactive awareness about one’s own health status is our goal for this project.


Vendor products are linked to advertisers’ campaigns and content on the mHealthCoin platform


Let the vendor or advertiser enter the token received in the transaction back to the platform to pay for the ad, creating a full cycle of interactions between coins and tokens.


Users can treat their health risk mined at an early stage can be used as a discount to buy products or services from the platform

Devices that can be used

Distribution Tokens and Project Roadmap

Token allocation
Project Roadmap

Our team




















To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:
by ; Kopisusu 4000
link: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953415