Minggu, 20 September 2020



Token utilities and Decentralized Finance are the latest trends in the crypto industry today, and this is the essence of the Tradetoken Network. We intend to use our abundance of DeFi products to empower businesses, governments and ordinary people on the streets. With our Ecosystem, we aim to encourage fast, secure and reliable transactions eliminating intermediaries thereby reducing the cost of doing business. Tradetoken will be used as the official currency for our ecosystem. This will be used for payments as well as transaction fees for all Defi products in our ecosystem. 
ABOUT TRADETOKENThe Tradetoken Network from KLEGLITE RESOURCES is a blockchain project that provides solutions, transparency, and empowerment for its ecosystem users. Since the future of blockchain is Defi, we are positioned to become the world's number 1 one-stop hub for decentralized financial applications that add value for businesses, governments and individuals. KLEGLITE RESOURCES is registered twice under the Corporate Affairs Commission. You can verify us HERE. 
TradeToken Solutions  Technology  Blockchain continues to grow and the potential it carries is frankly unlimited. Our main goal is to become a factory for producing Defi products for daily use for businesses, governments and individuals with a safe ecosystem with us. Tradetoken is used as the main currency for all transactions.
TradeToken Whitelabel Exchange  This is our flagship blockchain product. It is a powerful whitelabel exchange where you can trade / exchange / exchange more than 150 standard cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Eth, Xrp, Doge, Zec, Dash etc. It is fast, secure and decentralized. No kyc is required to make any transactions here. Blockwire applicationThis is the first of its kind on the crypto market. It has all the regular features of most wallets like: storage, quick-swap, staking, and P2P, but there is one other major feature that makes it stand out from the rest. We call it TCS which stands for TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION SYSTEM. A transaction confirmation system is a system that helps confirm or approve crypto transactions. This is how TCS works; For example if Mr X sends crypto from his wallet to Mr Y's wallet, the system will send a prompt to Mr Y first reminding him to accept the sent crypto then also another prompt to Mr X to approve or cancel the transaction. So with this system if you send crypto accidentally, you can easily cancel such a transaction, no need to be afraid of losing crypto by mistake anymore. This is an innovation that does not exist in the crypto world.

Tradetoken Exchange

This is our flagship blockchain product. It is a powerful whitelabel exchange where you can trade / exchange / exchange more than 150 standard cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Eth, Xrp, Doge, Zec, Dash etc. It is fast, secure and decentralized. No kyc is required to make any transactions here.

TT- Blockwire wallet

This is the first of its kind on the crypto market. It has all the regular features of most wallets like: storage, quick-swap, staking, and P2P, but there is one other major feature that makes it stand out from the rest. We call it TCS which stands for TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION SYSTEM. A transaction confirmation system is a system that helps confirm or approve crypto transactions. This is how TCS works; For example if Mr X sends crypto from his wallet to Mr Y's wallet, the system will send a prompt to Mr Y first reminding him to accept the crypto sent then also another prompt going to Mr X to approve or cancel the transaction. So with this system if you send crypto accidentally, you can easily cancel such a transaction, no need to fear losing crypto by mistake anymore. This is an innovation that does not exist in the crypto world.

TT- Milk

TT- Milk is a platform that encourages personal savings for those on low incomes. With this application, participating contributors will be able to save by contributing weekly or monthly after which participants take turns collecting a certain amount of money from the pool of money donated by everyone. This is Milk on Blockchain, its purpose is to encourage people to have a good saving culture and help them save for a rainy day. This application is highly recommended for people saving for rent, school fees, investments, travel etc.


This app is designed for people who travel frequently and want to save money. It is ideal for both business and serial tourists. With our strong partnerships with well-known global travel agents and airlines listed under our platform, we will drastically reduce travel costs by 20-50%, be excited! Another big advantage of being a TTO holder.

Tradetoken Debit Card

Hello mass adoption! With our Tradetoken debit card, people will be able to use cryptocurrency to pay for goods, services, fees, etc. They can also withdraw cryptocurrency from any ATM machine in their local currency for spending. The Tradetoken debit card will be linked to the Blockwire Application.


Sports around the world is big business. It ranks among the highest employers in many countries of the world. In developed countries, governments and private organizations invest large sums of money to develop sports infrastructure and individual talent and reap huge returns, in contrast to Africa. Now that will all change with the TT-Sport platform. With solid third-party partnerships and direct investment, we will invest in specialized talent in a wide variety of sports such as football, basketball, rugby, sprinter, etc. Sponsor their training and take them to various tournaments. These talents will be developed and sold for a profit. All of this will be supported by Tradetoken. TT-Sport is a sports finance App.

Information Token  Tradetoken is an Ethereum based token. You can search for it on etherscan with "tradetoken" all lowercase or with the contract address: 0x996Df3D7e3054A39432e76295Df2D7C8EAB8B4bC

  • Token Name: Trade Token
  • Token Symbol: TTO
  • Type: ERC-20
  • Total supply: 100,000,000

Token Distribution

Blockchain: Ethereum

Max supply: 100 million

2% Airdrop

3% Bounty

20% Marketing

10% Combustion

25% Team

40% Development of  the Tradetoken Market The Tradetoken Market  is a high octane blockchain platform that brings together investors, buyers and sellers, enabling smooth and safe transactions. In the Tradetoken Market, users can enjoy lots of useful blockchain products and services to help them carry out daily transactions. Tradetoken as an official token of the Tradetoken Market will be used as the official currency to empower all products and services in the Ecosystem.

  • Reliable service
  • Low cost
  • Good security
  • Amazing Defi Application
  • Fast Speed ​​Transaction
  • First class support


K2- 2020

Token Development

OSH - 2020

Private Sales, Pre-IEO Launches & Exchanges

K4 - 2020

Second Level Exchange & IEO List

K1 - 2021

Coinmarketcap & Top Level Exchange List

K2 - 2021

Launch of Blockwire Application

K3 - 2021

Launch of the Private Chain Mainnet

K4 - 2021

TTWakka, TTSports, Tradetoken Debitcard & TTSusu Mega Launch


Rowland Aneke - Blockchain CEO & Leader

Vivian Okwedy - Sales and Marketing Leader

Ajayi Eniola - Community Manager

Sunday Okon - Chief Counsel

Annamalai V - Blog & Content Author

Muhammad Ammar - WordPress Web Developer

For more information, see below: 
Website:   https://tradetokennetwork.org/

WhitePaper:   https://tradetokennetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Whitepaper.pdf

Twitter:   https://twitter.com/tradetoken

Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/tradetokenTT

Telegram:   https://t.me/tradetokn

by; Kopisusu 4000

link:: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953415



Utilitas token dan Keuangan Terdesentralisasi adalah tren terbaru dalam industri kripto saat ini, dan inilah inti dari Jaringan Tradetoken. Kami bermaksud menggunakan produk DeFi kami yang berlimpah untuk memberdayakan bisnis, pemerintah, dan orang biasa di jalanan. Dengan Ekosistem kami, kami bertujuan untuk mendorong transaksi yang cepat, aman dan andal menghilangkan perantara sehingga mengurangi biaya melakukan bisnis. Tradetoken akan digunakan sebagai mata uang resmi untuk ekosistem kami. Ini akan digunakan untuk pembayaran serta biaya transaksi untuk semua produk Defi di ekosistem kami. 
TENTANG TRADETOKENJaringan Tradetoken dari KLEGLITE RESOURCES adalah proyek blockchain yang memberikan solusi, transparansi, dan pemberdayaan bagi pengguna ekosistemnya. Karena masa depan blockchain adalah Defi, kami diposisikan untuk menjadi hub serba ada nomor 1 di dunia untuk aplikasi keuangan terdesentralisasi yang menambah nilai bagi bisnis, pemerintah, dan individu. KLEGLITE RESOURCES terdaftar dua kali di bawah Corporate Affairs Commission. Anda dapat memverifikasi kami DI SINI. 
Solusi TradeToken Teknologi Blockchain terus berkembang dan potensi yang dibawanya terus terang tidak terbatas. Tujuan utama kami adalah menjadi pabrik produksi produk Defi untuk penggunaan sehari-hari bagi bisnis, pemerintah, dan individu dengan ekosistem aman bersama kami. Tradetoken digunakan sebagai mata uang utama untuk semua transaksi.
TradeToken Whitelabel Exchange Ini adalah produk blockchain andalan kami. Ini adalah pertukaran whitelabel yang kuat di mana Anda dapat berdagang / menukar / menukar lebih dari 150 cryptocurrency standar seperti Bitcoin, Eth, Xrp, Doge, Zec, Dash dll. Ini sangat cepat, aman dan terdesentralisasi. Tidak diperlukan kyc untuk melakukan transaksi apa pun di sini. Aplikasi BlockwireIni adalah yang pertama dari jenisnya di pasar crypto. Ia memiliki semua fitur reguler dari kebanyakan dompet seperti: penyimpanan, quick-swap, staking, dan P2P, tetapi ada satu fitur utama lainnya yang membuatnya menonjol dari yang lain. Kami menyebutnya TCS yang merupakan singkatan dari TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION SYSTEM. Sistem konfirmasi transaksi adalah sistem yang membantu mengkonfirmasi atau menyetujui transaksi kripto. Beginilah cara kerja TCS; Misalnya jika Tuan X mengirim crypto dari dompetnya ke dompet Tuan Y, sistem akan mengirimkan prompt kepada Tuan Y pertama-tama mengingatkannya untuk menerima crypto yang dikirim kemudian juga prompt lain menuju Tuan X untuk menyetujui atau membatalkan transaksi. Jadi dengan sistem ini jika Anda mengirim crypto secara tidak sengaja, Anda dapat dengan mudah membatalkan transaksi semacam itu, tidak perlu takut kehilangan crypto karena kesalahan lagi. Ini adalah inovasi yang tidak ada di dunia crypto.

Bursa Tradetoken

Ini adalah produk blockchain andalan kami. Ini adalah pertukaran whitelabel yang kuat di mana Anda dapat berdagang / menukar / menukar lebih dari 150 cryptocurrency standar seperti Bitcoin, Eth, Xrp, Doge, Zec, Dash dll. Ini sangat cepat, aman dan terdesentralisasi. Tidak diperlukan kyc untuk melakukan transaksi apa pun di sini.

TT- Dompet Blockwire

Ini adalah yang pertama dari jenisnya di pasar crypto. Ia memiliki semua fitur reguler dari kebanyakan dompet seperti: penyimpanan, quick-swap, staking, dan P2P, tetapi ada satu fitur utama lain yang membuatnya menonjol dari yang lain. Kami menyebutnya TCS yang merupakan singkatan dari TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION SYSTEM. Sistem konfirmasi transaksi adalah sistem yang membantu mengkonfirmasi atau menyetujui transaksi crypto. Beginilah cara kerja TCS; Misalnya jika Tuan X mengirim crypto dari dompetnya ke dompet Tuan Y, sistem akan mengirimkan prompt kepada Tuan Y pertama yang mengingatkan dia untuk menerima crypto yang dikirim kemudian juga prompt lain pergi ke Tuan X untuk menyetujui atau membatalkan transaksi. Jadi dengan sistem ini jika Anda mengirim crypto secara tidak sengaja, Anda dapat dengan mudah membatalkan transaksi semacam itu, tidak perlu lagi takut kehilangan crypto karena kesalahan lagi. Ini adalah inovasi yang tidak ada di dunia crypto.

TT- Susu

TT- Susu adalah platform yang mendorong tabungan pribadi untuk mereka yang berpenghasilan rendah. Dengan aplikasi ini, kontributor yang berpartisipasi akan dapat menabung dengan berkontribusi mingguan atau bulanan setelah itu peserta secara bergiliran mengumpulkan sejumlah uang dari kumpulan uang yang disumbangkan oleh semua orang. Ini adalah Susu di Blockchain, tujuannya adalah untuk mendorong orang-orang memiliki budaya menabung yang baik dan membantu mereka menabung untuk hari-hari hujan. Aplikasi ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk orang yang menabung untuk sewa, biaya sekolah, investasi, perjalanan dll.


Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk orang-orang yang sering bepergian dan ingin menghemat biaya. Ini sangat ideal untuk pebisnis dan turis serial. Dengan kemitraan kuat kami dengan agen perjalanan global terkenal dan maskapai penerbangan yang terdaftar di bawah platform kami, kami akan secara drastis mengurangi biaya perjalanan sebesar 20-50%, bersemangatlah! Keuntungan besar lainnya menjadi pemegang TTO.

Kartu Debit Tradetoken

Halo adopsi massal! Dengan kartu debit Tradetoken kami, orang-orang akan dapat menggunakan cryptocurrency untuk membayar barang, layanan, biaya, dll. Mereka juga dapat menarik cryptocurrency dari mesin ATM mana pun dalam bentuk mata uang lokal mereka untuk dibelanjakan. Kartu debit Tradetoken akan ditautkan ke Aplikasi Blockwire.


Olahraga di seluruh dunia adalah bisnis besar. Itu peringkat di antara pemberi kerja tertinggi di banyak negara di dunia. Di negara maju, pemerintah dan organisasi swasta menginvestasikan sejumlah besar dana untuk mengembangkan infrastruktur olahraga dan bakat individu dan meraup kembali keuntungan yang sangat besar, sebaliknya di Afrika. Nah, itu semua akan berubah dengan platform TT-Sport. Dengan kemitraan pihak ketiga yang solid dan investasi langsung, kami akan berinvestasi pada bakat khusus dalam berbagai jenis olahraga seperti sepak bola, bola basket, rugby, pelari cepat, dll. Mensponsori pelatihan mereka dan membawa mereka ke berbagai turnamen. Bakat ini akan dikembangkan dan dijual untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Semua ini akan didukung oleh Tradetoken. TT-Sport adalah App keuangan olahraga.

Informasi Token Tradetoken adalah token berbasis Ethereum. Anda dapat mencarinya di etherscan dengan “tradetoken” semua huruf kecil atau dengan alamat kontrak: 0x996Df3D7e3054A39432e76295Df2D7C8EAB8B4bC

  • Nama Token: Token Perdagangan
  • Simbol Token: TTO
  • Ketik: ERC-20
  • Total pasokan: 100.000.000

Token Distribution

Blockchain: Ethereum

Pasokan maks: 100 juta

2% Airdrop

3% Bounty

20% Pemasaran

10% Pembakaran

25% Tim

40% Pengembangan Pasar Tradetoken Pasar Tradetoken adalah platform blockchain oktan tinggi yang menyatukan investor, pembeli dan penjual, memungkinkan transaksi yang mulus dan aman. Di Pasar Tradetoken, pengguna dapat menikmati banyak sekali produk dan layanan blockchain yang berguna untuk membantu mereka melakukan transaksi sehari-hari. Tradetoken sebagai token resmi Pasar Tradetoken akan digunakan sebagai mata uang resmi untuk memberdayakan semua produk dan layanan di Ekosistem.

  • Layanan yang andal
  • Biaya rendah
  • Keamanan yang baik
  • Aplikasi Defi Luar Biasa
  • Transaksi Kecepatan Cepat
  • Dukungan kelas satu

Peta jalan

K2- 2020

Pengembangan Token

K3 – 2020

Penjualan Pribadi, Peluncuran Pra-IEO & Pertukaran

K4 – 2020

Pertukaran Tingkat Kedua & Daftar IEO

K1 – 2021

Coinmarketcap & Daftar Pertukaran Tingkat Atas

K2 – 2021

Peluncuran Aplikasi Blockwire

K3 – 2021

Peluncuran Private Chain Mainnet

K4 – 2021

TTWakka, TTSports,Tradetoken Debitcard & TTSusu Mega Launch


Rowland Aneke – CEO & Pimpinan Blockchain

Vivian Okwedy – Pimpinan Penjualan dan Pemasaran

Ajayi Eniola – Manajer Komunitas

Sunday Okon – Penasihat Kepala

Annamalai V – Penulis Blog & Konten

Muhammad Ammar – Pengembang Web WordPress

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat di bawah ini: 
Situs web:  https://tradetokennetwork.org/

WhitePaper:  https://tradetokennetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Whitepaper.pdf

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/tradetoken

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/tradetokenTT

Telegram:  https://t.me/tradetokn

by ; Kopisusu 4000

link: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953415

Sabtu, 12 September 2020


 Defi.trade, a trading platform that combines blockchain technology and AI technology accuracy.

Image for post

Featuring Defi.trade, a world-class CFD trading platform that combines the oddities of blockchain technology and the accuracy of AI technology. A group of talented and energetic designers who meet to enhance their understanding of shifting markets, the global economy and the big, eccentric emergencies. They created a decentralized phase for financial specialists around the world to take full advantage of the exchange without institutional and regulatory barriers. 

Everyone will have the opportunity to enter this stage because it is very simple, easy to use and has very accurate value expectations because of its AI technology. 

“Introductions by the author Hi-Tech Urdu is a brand that we are always looking for legitimate and trustworthy projects or platforms on our official website (weekly traffic on our website 62000+) and on our official YouTube channel (38000+ subscribers). You want more information about Defi .trade should  visit  our    YouTube   channel    Hi-TechUrdu     Thank you "    www.youtube.com/c/HiTechUrdu   "   

This will even help opportunities. 

You no longer have to worry about financial emergencies and unemployment and you no longer have to endure household insecurities.

Binary Options | trading 

Duplicate options oppose Forex on a very simple level as you can stake more assets including commodities, stocks and cash. A more topical alternative on the market than Forex and has only recently been celebrated in recent years. 

When you swap alternate pairs, you open records, store them in the store, and switch to specific batches each time you make a call or provide a service. There are no commissions or fees, and cash that traders receive is predefined when development payments are calculated for each trade. You know the amount you will win or lose from the earliest starting point and no additional items are covered.

What is a CFD Market? The best trading platform for CFDs

This image has a blank alt attribute;  the file name is ice_screenshot_20200902-022711.png

CFDs (Contracts for Difference) are generally a more up-to-date market than the part of the points examined above with a history of only 20 years. However, since 2003 they really started to build their business and from then on they logically deserved attention among dealers in every way. 

No special trading center is required for CFD exchange. This means that other markets can be entered. You understand what your point of view reflects on certain household circumstances. CFDs can be identified by monetary standards, but also by stocks, offers, goods, and cryptographic forms of money. As with forex, leverage can be used to contribute to your profits and speculatively raise higher salaries for lower companies. 

Tragically, when CFDs first opened up to retailers, they were consistently mistaken for "easy money" adventures that fell victim to various financial professionals through the exploitation of multiple leverage, with many losing a lot of money in the beginning. 

There is less charge for CFDs because it is a “differentiation” that you receive your approval, not for any specific incentives during the exchange period. Your CFD is not affected by changes in incentives for hidden resources. the end result is very significant. 

When it comes to CFDs, there is a huge choice for traders to expect. Usually the cost of spreads and interim commissions is lower. There are usually no agency fees charged by intermediaries. 

It is a market that covers the various areas mentioned above and has the best potential to describe the fate of the world in terms of money.

The advantages of trading CFDs and the Defi platform

CFD exchanges offer a variety of key focuses which have expanded upon the enormous instrument commonality over the past decade. 

This image has a blank alt attribute;  the file name is ice_screenshot_20200902-023244.png

CFDs have a higher impact than traditional exchanges. The effect of defaults in CFD publications depends on the guidelines. In the past, only 2% support edge (50: 1 effect) but gradually limited to 3% (30: 1 effect) and up to half (2: 1 effect). Lower marginal conditions mean lower costs of capital for traders / speculators and more conspicuous returns. Even so, the pervasive influence can exacerbate disasters in the same way. 

CFDs are also well-known for basically useful reasons. Medium-term theory, especially in commodity markets, can be an expensive system and the unusual nature of individual resources seldom matches the practical and extraordinary character of profitability of CFDs. For example, suppose a trader who plans to navigate the oil market for two or three months. CFD deals with a more practical and skilled way of entering the market by allowing a broker to buy at a much cheaper price while getting ever better returns - a success factor for traders. 

CFD Broker 

A range of CFD specialists offer things in all important business areas of the world and thus allow constant access. Speculators can exchange CFDs in more than 4,000 business areas. 

CFD traders offer a wider variety of comparative queries than traditional agents, including stops, cut points and odds orders. Some merchants offering secure layoffs either charge the organization a fee or reimburse them. 

Agents make a profit when the broker pays the spread and most do not charge any commission or fees. In order to buy, the sender must pay the bid fee, and in order to sell / sell, the merchant must overcome the bid fee. These spreads can be almost non-existent or very large depending on the volatility of hidden resources, and they are kept open regularly


Without a doubt, Defi.Trade will bring high liquidity to the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The fact that the trading system is not limited to Cryptocurrency is a huge plus and a new revolution in the crypto space. The Defi.Trade platform bridges the gap between trading cryptocurrencies and CBD products. Users will be able to trade seamlessly all forms of financial assets such as bonds, fiat currencies, cryptocurrency “stocks, gold, silver and others in a decentralized platform. This trading system is very profitable because of its role in distributing limited financial resources in the cryptocurrency industry. Improve yourself. Start trading on the Defi.Trade platform and be a part of this extraordinary revolution.

 # Defi.Trade  #Finance  #Defi  #Crypto  #exchange

Web Resources Official:   https://defi.trade/
Website:   https://live.defi.trade/ Books
White:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ChG09bl29HTSstIpf_HFOHCeNNf7484/view
Twitter:   https : // twitter.com/defitrade
Facebook Fanpage:   https://www.facebook.com/defitrade/
Medium:   https://medium.com/@defitrade
Telegram Channel:   https://t.me/defitradeexchange
Telegram Group:   https: / /t.me/defitradegroup

by ; Kopisusu 4000

link: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953415

#Defi.Trade #Defi #Finance #Crypto #Trend

Selasa, 08 September 2020




We acknowledge that with PayFrequent offering him stablecoins so well, it may be available to everyone without relying on outside coins with the shrewd tendencies of TOMOZ TRC21, tomochain's blockchain token guidelines set customers to pay for their expenses at mazuma, we overall accept that our substructure will open and simple to work for all those who don't really care about different countries and geopolitical zones, a very bad exchange for people who have faith in business. There are a lot of stablecoins at crypto fairs today, but they are not accessible to many at the moment due to lack of data and availability. The basic explanation behind it is that almost all established coins are the responsibility of outsiders.

In addition, blockchain is still in its infancy for crypto and allied organizations on the web and we need to know things that need to be completely self-regulating and not rely on outside coins to spend or send them to anyone. What is needed is a stable coin that is capable of relying on outside coins for fees and is usable and available to everyone with their own token

The digital form of mazuma and blockchain innovation is a huge challenger to the current monetary framework, fighting against corporate formalities, increasing budget mix and making the economy simpler, more stable and straightforward.

Use of payfreqent

Diverse cryptocurrency trading can offer different forms of mazuma cryptography and have different terms, strategies, installment techniques, and fees. Trading varies widely from the point of view of, for example, safety, ease of profit, usability, and plan. All of these elements can have a tremendous effect when choosing the trade that makes the most sense.

Email Moments and Telegram Notifications

Bind your records with your IP address

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is required to log in to your records and make withdrawals.

All representatives undergo personal criminals and credit investigations and rely on constant individual verification throughout their work.

Encryption is used to ensure about your passwords, individual data, and other sensitive data both peregrinate and silent.

The Future of Finance

  • Hold it anywhere 
    Hold it in any wallet with your private key. spend anytime without lockout period and get reward based on your balance.
  • Hourly Rewards 
    Get hourly rewards for your balances over 1000 and get daily rewards for balances between 500 and 999. get monthly rewards for balances between 5 and 50.

  • Hold Fully Independent in an ethereum compatible wallet and send it to anyone without holding another token. no need to rely on other native tokens to send and receive.

  • PayFrequent's stable value converts cash into a digital currency, to attribute value to the prices of national currencies such as the US Dollar, Euro and Offshore Indian Rupee.
  • Supported by Tomochain 
    All PayFrequent Coins issued on the Tomochain network are TRC21 Standard tokens, so you can store them in an Ethereum compatible wallet, such as the Payfrequent / Tomo / Trust Wallet.

  • PayFrequent Coin global transactions are designed to allow currency to move globally from your crypto wallet to other exchanges, businesses and other users.

PayFrequent Stable coins can be prominently awarded by PayFrequent Circumscribed or Banker / Financial organizations that designate an NDA with PayFrequent Constrained for the awarding and deployment of PayFrequent stablecoins. All insurers must keep a security store in homogeneous Fiat cash they expect to issue stablecoins on. A vertex will be given by the same proportional safety measure. Supporters must complete their settlement for all coins awarded the following day otherwise it will be invoiced from their security shop.

There is no alternative text for this image

PayFrequent stablecoins can be reclaimed daily by depositing in the PayFrequent wallet and transmitting them to other profits or sending them to other clients or transferring them to fiat. All exchanges will be made in a fraction of a second other than fiat move requests will be recognized naturally and sent to clients choosing financial balances within 1-3 working days depending on the country of the client's bank, 95% of the payfrequent wallet subsidies are set aside for arctic storage and cannot be obtained from the web.


Website: https://payfrequent.com/

White Paper: https://docs.google.com/document/export?format=pdf&id=1AN8KaXF5D6pBaMnOVTz8Ug6JPOsLJBHx2zb6pLvs81s&includes_info_params=true

Telegram Group: https://t.me/payfrequentbounty

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/payfrequent

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/PayFrequent

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/payfrequent

E-mail:  http: //help@payfrequent.com/

Leezkie Management: https://t.me/LeezkieManangement

by ; Kopisusu 4000

link: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953415

#Payfrequent #Digital_currency #btc #eth #euro