Selasa, 31 Juli 2018




ist ein Kredit-Intelligenz-Netzwerk, das es Kreditgebern und Kreditnehmern ermöglicht, sich von überall auf der Welt zu verbinden. Dies schafft einen besseren Kreditmarkt als heute verfügbar ist durch die Beseitigung physikalischer Einschränkungen und die Verringerung der traditionellen Kreditvergabe und Managementkosten, Credito, Kredit bietet, genaue transaktionale Bewertung, Credito einschließlich eines dezentralisierten Kredit-Intelligenz-Netzwerk unterstützt durch die Ethereal-Blockade, Intelligent Contract und IPFS erhöhte Transparenz und Zuverlässigkeit.
Credito baut ein Credit Intelligence Network für die Kreditwirtschaft auf, um Kreditrisiken vorzubeugen, indem es im Betrugsfall Transaktionen identifiziert und der Industrie ermöglicht, informierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Darlehensgarantien und Verbindungen zwischen Kreditgebern und Kreditnehmerstandorten überall auf der Welt zu ermöglichen physische Beschränkungen und die Verringerung der herkömmlichen Kreditkosten und Managementkosten, wodurch ein besserer Kreditmarkt geschaffen wird als heute verfügbar ist. 

Credito Design Prinzipien und Werte.
Dezentralisierung ist nicht die Grundlage für die Manipulation der Blockkette, sondern die Grundlage indiskreter Natur. Durch den ständigen Aufbau verteilter Systeme wollen wir die unerlaubte Entwicklung von Credito weiter fördern. Wir glauben, dass Dezentralisierung eine Schlüsselkomponente eines langfristig nachhaltigen, global florierenden Ökosystems ist.
Modularität für einfaches, flexibles Systemdesign.
Wir schätzen die Philosophie, kleine Werkzeuge zu machen, die eine Sache machen. Einfache Komponenten können leicht abgeleitet werden, so dass sie sicher an größere Systeme gekoppelt werden können. Wir glauben, dass Modularisierung nicht nur erweiterbare Systeme ermöglicht, sondern auch die Dezentralisierung fördert.
Sicheres, transparentes und skalierbares System.
Credito wurde für die Gemeinschaft geschaffen. Wir schätzen die Community und arbeiten ständig mit Datenwissenschaftlern, Domänenexperten, Wissenschaftlern und Sicherheitsexperten zusammen, um Peer-Reviews durchzuführen. Wir empfehlen Tests, Auditierungen und formelle Sicherheitsbeweise, um eine Plattform für Robustheit und Sicherheit zu schaffen, um zukünftige Innovationen zu unterstützen.
Nächste  Kopfgeld-  Credito 

Credito startet ihre neue Bounty-Kampagne, die 6 Wochen dauern wird. Um mehr über ihr Projekt zu erfahren, können Sie den obigen Links folgen.
Für dieses Kopfgeld stehen 2.000.000 Token zur Verfügung, die sich auf 130.000 USD belaufen.
Die Mittel werden in verschiedene Kampagnen aufgeteilt:
Facebook Kampagne: 20% 
Twitter Kampagne: 20% 
Content Creation Kampagne: 25% 
Medium Kampagne: 10% 
Translations Kampagne: 25%
Regelkonto muss mindestens 3 Monate alt sein. 
Muss dieser Seite  folgen  
Muss mindestens 400 echte Freunde / Follower haben. 
Mindestens 5 Aktien müssen wöchentlich getätigt werden, um zur Zahlung berechtigt zu sein. 
Wöchentliche Berichte müssen über Google Formulare eingereicht werden, anstatt auf diesem Thread zu posten. 
Wenn Sie keinen Wochenbericht einreichen, bedeutet dies, dass Sie für diese Woche keine Einsätze erhalten.
1 Einsatz pro genehmigter Woche. 
Wie bewerbe
ich mich ? Reichen Sie Ihre wöchentlichen Berichte ein, um Einsätze zu erhalten! 
Woche 1  (29. November – 6. Dezember)
Woche 2 – Wird hinzugefügt (DEC 6 – DEC 13) 
Woche 3 – Wird hinzugefügt (DEC 13 – DEC 20) 
Woche 4 – Wird hinzugefügt (DEC 20 – DEC 27) 
Woche 5 – hinzugefügt werden (27. Dezember – 3. Januar)
Woche 6 – hinzugefügt werden (3.-10. Januar)
Regelkonto muss mindestens 3 Monate alt sein. 
Muss dieser Seite  folgen  
Muss mindestens 400 Follower haben. 
Mindestens 5 Aktien müssen wöchentlich getätigt werden, um zur Zahlung berechtigt zu sein. 
Wöchentliche Berichte müssen über Google Formulare eingereicht werden, anstatt auf diesem Thread zu posten. 
Wenn Sie keinen Wochenbericht einreichen, bedeutet dies, dass Sie für diese Woche keine Einsätze erhalten.
1 Einsatz pro genehmigter Woche. 
Wie bewerbe
ich mich ? Reichen Sie Ihre wöchentlichen Berichte ein, um Einsätze zu erhalten! 
Woche 1  (29. November – 6. Dezember)
Woche 2 – Wird hinzugefügt (DEC 6 – DEC 13) 
Woche 3 – Wird hinzugefügt (DEC 13 – DEC 20) 
Woche 4 – Wird hinzugefügt (DEC 20 – DEC 27) 
Woche 5 – hinzugefügt werden (27. Dezember – 3. Januar)
Woche 6 – hinzugefügt werden (3.-10. Januar)
Der Inhalt kann entweder ein Video oder ein Blog sein. 
Der Blog muss einen originalen Inhalt haben, ein erneutes Posten ist nicht erlaubt. 
Der Inhalt muss öffentlich zugänglich sein. 
Der Blog muss mindestens 2500 Zeichen oder mehr ohne Leerzeichen enthalten. 
Der Blog muss mindestens 2 Links zur  Website enthalten. 
Der Blog muss in Englisch sein. 
Videos müssen länger als 3 Minuten sein. 
Das Video muss in Englisch sein.
Die Belohnungen werden vom Credito-Team festgelegt und in 3 verschiedenen Stufen ausgezahlt –  
Standard: 2 Stakes 
Complementary: 3 Stakes 
Exceptional: 4 Stakes 
Wie bewerbe
ich mich ? Erstellen Sie den Inhalt und reichen Sie ihn  hier ein 
Ein mittleres Konto pro Benutzer. 
Ihr Bitcointalk-Konto muss mindestens ein Junior-Mitglied sein, um teilnehmen zu können. 
Muss dem Blog folgen. 
Max. 50 Klatschen pro Benutzer, pro Artikel. 
wöchentlich 1 Einsatz für eine erfolgreiche Woche. 
Wie man sich anmeldet
Melden Sie sich  hier an. 
Weitere Informationen Connect to Credito:
Offizielle Website:
Whitepaper Link:
Offizielle Facebook-Seite von CreditoCommunity :
Benutzername: Kopisusu 4000 

ICO Humbyl

Tentang ICO Humbyl (Humveille]

About humbyl
Humveille coins are a distributed fantasy sports platform based on Ethereum ERC20.
Use block chains to create an online sports prediction community platform,
you can share the excitement of all the sports around the world
Humble offers a unique experience that combines cryptographic money with fantasy sports.
To compete with celebrities and athletes.
The Humvee platform is fun, user-friendly and competitive Please also refer to the explanation in English below.Humbly Coin is a decentralized ERC20 Fantasy Sports cryptocurrency built in Ethereum
blockchain engaged in the creation of an online sports predictor community platform with
celebrities and other Fantasy Sports players.
It leverages the experience and chances of winning players around Fantasy Sports around the
Humbly offers a unique experience to combine cryptocurrency and Fantasy Sports with the
ability to compete with famous celebrities and athletes.
The Humbyl platform is built on privacy with fun, easy-to-use, and competitive principles
in mind.
[Source] About ICO Humbyl (Author) | Author iiimin
You can use the Humvee Mann content via Mobile App
Please watch the video below for a better understanding
[Source] About ICO Humbyl (Author) | Author iiimin
Platform Humbil
You can experience and communicate major sports such as basketball, soccer, baseball, boxing, and soccer. Token Information
[Source] About ICO Humbyl (Author) | Author iiimin
The Token name is HBL
Start Date: May21 2018
Ending Date: 31 August 2018
Started Rate of Exchange: 1 ETH = 2,678 HBL
Final Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 1,339 HBL
Amount Coins Sold: 400,000,000 HBL
Total Transaction Mimimal: 0.068 ETH
Advisor & Partner: 10%
Backup: 10%
Humbyl team & Foundation Management: 40%
Road Map
[About Us] About ICO Humbyl | Author iiimin
Mobile App beta version has been launched and will be officially launched in Q4 2018
[Source] About ICO Humbyl (Author) | Author iiimin
Many big sports players are participating.
Informasi kunciSitus web Humbyl:
White paper:
Username: Kopisusu 4000





Satoshi Nakamoto; the name by itself sounds like a pseudonym. As long as his identity is
unknown, it will be impossible to know what his real intentions were when he made the Bitcoin
code available to the public in 2009 – based on two technologies already in existence at the
time : hascash and PGP but with the addition of an ingenious solution to the problem of double
expense. The message included in the genesis block could be a clue : “The Times 3 January 2009
Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks”. Have he reached his goal?


The empire is on fire, the new game in town is the “digital assets”.
After the listing of the future XBT, the announcement was official. Despite the blame for this new
intangible asset, the biggest players in the “old” market are silently positioning themselves on
the new one.
On February 26, 2018, Bloomberg published an article claiming that Circle Financial Ltd,
financially supported by the world’s largest investment bank, Goldman Sach, purchased the
Poloniex exchange for $ 400 million USD.
The bank JPMorgan, whose famous director Jamie Dimon is known to have repeatedly discredited
those who invest in Bitcoin and called this technology a fraud, invented recently its own system
of decentralized transactions named Quorum – a modified copy of the code of Ethereum.
Blythe Master, a notable person in the investment world, became CEO of Digital Asset Holding
LLC in 2015, a financial technology firm opened in 2014 that is developing blockchain-based
technologies for the entire investment industry, financial services such as market infrastructure
providers, exchanges and banks.
Ripple and his wealthy director, already present themselves as the Bitcoin for banks.

Market Review

The latest advances in blockchain technology are really interesting. Developers wearing t-shirts
with unicorns, llamas and flying saucers have kindly given us smart contracts. Several atomic
swaps between blockchains have already been made without the intervention of a third party and
the Lightning Network is already in use.
Everyone is talking about it but we are still without a reliable solution for actively or
algorithmically negotiating digital assets in a secure environment and with professional tools.
The next revolution will be moral and blockchain technology gives us a new tool to move towards
this reality.
Satoshi was kind enough to solve the double-spending problem, smart contracts allow
consensual execution without the intervention of a third party, atomic swaps allow the transfer
of value between different blockchains and the Lightning Network instantaneous transfers to low
The next step is a decentralized liquid exchange with smart contract and able to perform atomic
swaps and thousands of transactions per second without friction.
An analysis of the situation reveals the flaws of the centralized exchange system in place.
In a way, the exchange of centralized digital assets is already closed, it is only a matter of
appearance if not time. Given the past problems and their inability to compete with what is
coming, they have no future.
We must still give them credit because from 2009 to date, the emerging market of digital assets
was one of the most risky. Risky for the user but also for the exchanges themselves : from the
legislative, technological and financial point of view. The entrepreneurs of these exchanges gave
users first access to this market. We must be grateful to them.
Beautiful trading platforms were set up providing liquidity and respectable Bid / Ask spreads as
well as advanced tools such as margin trading and margin financing.
Unfortunately, the solution currently in place does not meet the expectations of a more
experienced clientele, if not even the novice user.

Our Vision

The solution is the InziderX exchange that our team plans to put in place.
Our mission is to create a decentralized exchange that is easy to use for novices but primarily for
actives and algorithms traders with all the right conditions for executing their strategy.
A decentralized, portfolio-based exchange (Dapp), which is liquid and whose graphical analysis
platform includes all the most advanced tools of its domain.
In fact, InziderX wants to become the sensible choice if not the only logical option for the elite
actives and algorithmics negotiators. Our focus will always be on the quality of the tools
available, the execution and the liquidity of the order books.
The time for a change has come, digital asset traders have experienced too much disappointment
to remain hostage of centralized hack exchanges and arbitrary changes in government
InziderX wants to be the OTC exchange where we negotiate between insiders, anonymously


The sale of InziderX will be used to develop the decentralized exchange with all its tools for
advanced negotiators, its portfolio, as well as other options to support its community: forums,
contests, signal.
50% of the INX will be mined in the Genesis Block. 42% will be distributed to the buyers of the
sale and will be used to develop InziderX projects. 6.6% will be kept in reserve for the
management of the exchange and 1.4% will be used for the advertising program.
50% of INX can be mined at 1.5% per year. It will take approximately 66 years before its total
The softcap for the sale of the INX asset is $ 3 million and the hardcap is $ 30 million.
Name : Active Digital InziderX
Code : INX
Quantity issue : 144,000,000
Premined quantity for the presale : 72 000 000
Introductory price : $ 0.55


Matthieu Simard: CEO / Developer
Bernard Inthavanh: Developer
Frederic Barbeau: Developer
Eseiwi Omorogobe: Developer
Marius Dragomir: Engineer
Ivan Mudryk: Social Media
Anonymous: Hacker / Security
Anonymous: Programmer Analyst
Anonymous: Develope
by ; Kopisusu4000


The world’s first mobile subscription platform

Supported by SBT tokens, Subbit allows businesses to convert almost all products or services into subscriptions, providing new and annoying alternatives to online and retail payments.

SUBBIT is a new payment
alternative, which allows
consumers to pay for just
about anything on a monthly
subscription basis, rather than
by cash or card.

The SUBBIT token is a modular utility token,
developed on the Ethereum blockchain, which
gives users access to exclusive products,
savings and cash-back rewards within the
SUBBIT network.
Our vision is to create a new exciting pattern
of consumption worldwide, which rewards
consumers with better value, and convenient
access to the things they love.
SUBBIT will become the world leader
and market default for B2C subscription
payments, actualising a global $8 trillion
market opportunity

The subscription-based
business model is now more
popular than ever, with many
leading consumer brands
favouring this approach over
a traditional single payment
for goods and services.
$420 Billion was spent on subscriptions in
the US alone in 2015, which was up from
$215 Billion in 2000 [Credit Suisse] . This
huge growth can largely be attributed to
new technology, and more specifically the
number of e-commerce and SAAS product
owners, turning to subscriptions to drive
their businesses.
1 An insight into current UK consumer behaviour and the demand potential for democratised consumer
The subscriptions model as increased in
popularity for two reasons: Firstly, they
offer consumers a fruitful combination of
improved access to a product or service,
immediate savings and convenience; and for
businesses they generate recurring revenue
and improve customer loyalty.
In fact the model works so well that 90%
of the UK adult population currently have
an active subscription. This statistic is
compounded by an independent research
report we commissioned in 2017, which
looked at current UK consumer behaviour
and the demand for consumer subscriptions1

 Problem Specification
As a result, a large percentage
of the overall consumer
economy remains untapped
and millions of businesses
worldwide are at risk of being
left behind.
The retail gap
This includes
physical retailers
(e.g. local shops
and restaurants)
and other serviceled
such as gardeners,
personal trainers or
independent coffee
The challenge for high
street businesses, is not only to compete
with their online counterparts, but also to
find ways to harness technology to improve
interactions for their customers.
Loyalty is key
Consumer research points to customer
loyalty as being a big issue of concern
amongst many service-driven high street
In response to this issue, some have
introduced loyalty schemes, but the
mechanics of this are often clunky and
depend on the customer to either carry
paper cards or to download a single-purpose,
proprietary app. These types of loyalty
schemes seldom offer upfront savings
or improve on overall convenience for
Similar problems exist for other micro and
SME businesses, and even charities, where
gaining access to the subscriptions
economy is expensive,
time-consuming and
The trend
for [online
retailers] to
take physical
stores will
accelerate as
increased online
competition and lower rates of
sales growth requires them to find a
competitive edge.”
[Mark Charlton – Head of Forecasting and Research
at Colliers]
Problem summary
There is no standout product or mechanism
which enables businesses of any type or size,
simple, fast and affordable access to the
subscriptions economy.

 By using our smart mobile app, users
can subscribe to their favourite shops,
restaurants, leisure activities and many
other popular mainstream products and
In practical terms, SUBBIT makes it easier to pay for any
product or service consumers might use on a regular basis
– and offers many advantages over other payment methods,
such as exclusive access, discounts and rewards.
SUBBIT is also the most convenient payment alternative
around. There’s no need to carry cash or a card, all you need
is your smartphone to unlock a smooth and flexible consumer
SUBBIT is leading the way for a new and exciting pattern of
consumption, which gives consumers convenient access to the
things they love.

Subbit Token & Ecosystem

We have ensured the integral usability of SBT tokens throughout our ecosystem by encouraging all platform rewards and fees. Capital gained during token sales will enable us to build our market in major global trade and retail. As the platform and user base grow, token and utilization requests will also increase.


Get cashback rewards and exclusive subscription access. Collect SBT for bonus discount.


Enjoy free-cost platform access, benefit from credit-based unsecured subscriptions with SBT.
Token Holder

Token Holder

SBT Stake for fixed price discounts, benefits from market growth and Subbit repurchase schemes.

Token Distribution

We have ensured the integral usability of SBT tokens throughout our ecosystem by encouraging all platform rewards and fees. Capital gained during token sales will enable us to build our market in major global and retail trade, and as the platform grows so will also demonstrate demand and utilization.
  • ADVISOR 5%
  • TIM 20%
Distribution Chart of Subbit Token

August 20, 2018


20 million USD


80,000 SBT / 1 ETH




12.4 Billion SBT | 20 Billion SBT


Diverse while PRIVATE ROUND

Budget allocation

The Subbit Fund Allocation Chart
  • 8%  LEGAL COST

Investment Round

    Token Cap: 3.1 Billion SBT Bonus: Withheld
    Token Cap: Bonus 1.86 Billion SBT: 25%
    Token Cap: Bonus 7.44 Billion SBT: 15%, 10% & 5%

Our team

Our core team is well balanced to drive missions
Alex Davy

Alex Davy

Founder – CMO, Visionary, inside
Andrew Tayo

Andrew Tayo

Founder – CEO, Architect at
Martin Gillard

Martin Gillard

Business Director at
Onkar Chiroma

Onkar Chiroma

Co Founder – CTOdi
Amy Yu

Amy Yu

Director of Relations at PT
Sofia Mancin

Sofia Mancin

Social Media Coordinator at
Philip Filhol

Philip Filhol

Coordinator Komunitas di
Nikolay Vaklinov

Nikolay Vaklinov

Coordinator Teknis di
Zeki Sever

Zeki Sever

Marketing Coordinator at
Amy Storey

Amy Storey

Main Brand Designer in Indonesia
Rodrick Silva

Rodrick Silva

Graphic Designer at
Ashimi Adefisobi

Ashimi Adefisobi

UI Main Designer in Indonesia
Maarten Henskens

Maarten Henskens

Blockchain Community Managerdi
Ahsan Imtiaz

Ahsan Imtiaz

Leading iOS Developers on
Andrew Azarias

Andrew Azarias

Marketing Team at
Mykhalio Kolotushkin

Mykhalio Kolotushkin

Cloud & Server Coordinatordi
Jerry Rana

Jerry Rana

Front End Developer at
Umer Abbas

Umer Abbas

Android Development Team at

Our Advisor

Subbit Adviser is an experienced professional who has worked at the largest global institutions in Banking, Blockchain, Finance & Retail
Prof. Simon Choi

Prof. Simon Choi

Global Attorney at
Prof. Choi is one of the most famous Legal Professionals in Blockchain. She has supported many successful ICO-funded projects and provides much experience in Transnational, Cross-Boundary Investment M & A, Effects vs. Utilities, KYC & AML, along with leading connections and strong networks in the East.
Gilad Amir

Gilad Amir

Banking & Fintech Advisors in Indonesia
Gilad is the former Head of Fintech’s Invention for Lloyds Banking Group. He brings a wealth of experience at Fintech, startup, including regulation, funding, and compliance. He continues to support projects with legal connections and growth partners.
Stefan Beyer

Stefan Beyer

Audit Advisory in
Stefan is a leading computer scientist specializing in the leadership of international research and development projects. He brings a wealth of experience to ensure that large-scale IT projects are run efficiently and scalable, with expertise in Blockchain, Distributed Computing, and Cyber ​​Security.
Campbell Shaw

Campbell Shaw

Banking & Loyalty Advisors in Indonesia
One of our earliest supporters, Campbell is the Head of Banking at Cardlytics. He is experienced in everything related to loyalty, obedience, and regulation. He continues to support projects with incubation resources, key guidance on regulatory financial services (such as PSD2 and GDPR) among many other things.
Username: Kopisusu 4000