Realize Your Recommendations via Mobile Bridge Platform
Today’s world has entered into a rapid change and development process with the influence of globalization. Every day we are getting used to new developments and innovations in technology. Sometimes we struggle to keep pace with these changes, but we are always in a process to adapt ourselves to the changes. Especially, the development in technology at an incredible speed has deeply affected our cultural and social life. Besides, the internet has made our life easier and it has broken our routines. In the old days, we were searching the pages of newspapers to view the news, advertisements and recommendations; today we are doing this through the internet via social media. Since it is so easy and cheap to access the information, we are now able to learn everything from search engines. But on the other hand, there is something that his place never fills and cannot be filled. This is “advice mechanism”. Why? Because do not we live every moment of our life depending on the “advice of others”? Do not perceive this as negative.
For example, when sending our child to school, and if there is a school that our friends or neighbors highly recommend, we prefer that school. Or when we decide to buy a car, we prefer our friend recommended one, rather than the commercials with millions of dollars. Women usually take-home items or any items such as clothes they see on their friends or on the advice of their friends. Someone’s advice is always important and goes into the “must category”, especially if several people’s use it and become “trend”. The MobileBridge platform is a mobile application that all people can or will recommend. For more detailed information please visit:
The logic of this platform is to capture the experiences that people have and share them with others, then get the opportunity to win tokens by sharing videos and pictures. So in other words you will give or receive advice and then you will make money for it. You can turn this money into other crypto currencies or real money. MobileBridge is a platform that turns the advice into money. In the picture below, you can see the working principle.
This platform, which is the most preferred marketing method in today’s marketing world, “the recommendation mechanism”, seems to be work well.
It is an approach that will reinvigorate the economy with billions of dollars of discount coupons, loyalty points, etc. from coming to us when we shop. As an example, we bought a stroller to our baby girl, we preferred that brand because it was safe, secure, practical, ergonomic and robust designed. We recommended the stroller to our friends about its ergonomy, safety, design etc. When the issue is “our children”, people spares no expense, and our friends bought the stroller upon our advice despite it was not that cheap. Besides, the store we bought also gave the same discount to our friends too. If we would use the MobileBridge platform, and every time we recommend it, we would have a token and that would be a profitable process. The most attractive aspect of MobileBridge Momentum is that it is a profitable ecosystem that allows our recommendations on our platform profiles to return to us as a reward.
ICO and Token Information
For more information on ICO and Token Sales and distribution, please visit the website ICO sales will also start on March 26, 2018; if the hard cap is not reached it will continue for four more weeks.
• Token: MBMT
• Total Token Supply:
• Tokens for sale: 500,000,000
• Token price: €0.10 (~0.12 USD/CHF)
• Softcap: 2.500.000 EUR
• Harcap: 42.000.000 EUR
• Total Token Supply:
• Tokens for sale: 500,000,000
• Token price: €0.10 (~0.12 USD/CHF)
• Softcap: 2.500.000 EUR
• Harcap: 42.000.000 EUR

Road Map
Web Page:
Summary Report:
by: Kopisusu 4000
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