Jumat, 02 Oktober 2020


xHumanitas is a more "humane" social network that differentiates itself from other social networks,

What is xHumanity?

xHumanitas is a more "humane" social network that differentiates itself from other social networks, today by being built on morals and aiming to promote not only social interaction itself but also its qualities, using two ways to gain value in the system: cryptocurrency and reputation. .

Personal data associated with millions of accounts lost or sold by social networks. Activity on social media applications is tracked without consent. Decisions are influenced with the help of automated programs, troll farming and other means of controlling the masses. These are some of the actions that define most social media applications today.

In these circumstances, the concept of reputation has almost lost its meaning. When reputation becomes only a rank that can be faked and artificially raised, when an account with a certain reputation can be sold, the trust in the system will collapse. No social media system really aims to solve this problem. What's more, they do not aim to create a fair remuneration system for honest users.

We can add to all of these countless accounts with fake identities or dummy accounts. They all make huge profits for the company that controls the application and, through it, the entire community. In the end, the quality of the information in the application was wiped out and human values ​​ceased to exist.

Add to this the countless fake news stories that are served to users every day, and we have the whole picture. Basically because of the desire not to miss anything, people are unable to filter / map the real news from the amount of information that is given to them. This paved the way for media companies to publish whatever they wanted, whether it was wrong or not

In these circumstances, it is necessary to redraw the concept of reputation based on other principles and their fair reward. It is important to design a smart system, to filter the news with the help of the community. Only in this way, trust in social media applications can return to normal and social networks can truly benefit humanity.

Some examples of comparing the key elements of xHumanity with Facebook:

xHumanitas is a decentralized system, governed by a consensus reached by community members and not by specific entities; 

At xHumanity, users' actions in the network are rewarded with reputation and cryptocoins, according to the proposed algorithm;

In xHumanity, there is a sound that goes up and down; 

On Facebook, likes on a post can be shared among friends, on a different basis than the actual post value. xHumanitas will go to great lengths to eliminate this behavior, with the aim that the votes cast on a post reflect as much of the value of the post as possible; 

On Facebook, likes given to posts by influencers have the same value as likes of regular users. At xHumaniy, the more reputation the user has, the greater the value of the vote; 

At xHumanity, if two users behave against each other and at some point they reach an agreement, they will be rewarded according to the principles mentioned above; 

At xHumanity, the advertising system will be user-oriented, who will receive cryptocoins and a reputation for their involvement in promotions. They won't be inundated with unwanted ads like on Facebook; 

Since xHumanity is based on trust between its users, donations do not need to be affiliated with any entity.


Our vision is to help humanity fulfill their desires and dreams to develop into a better world, aiming for freedom and truth, for the first time coming face to face with humanity as a whole and human individualism. We will consider humanism, the exact sciences, evolution as a species but also relationships, emotions and feelings. Our aim is to implement a system with a high degree of free speech and even awareness. Freedom of contention and controversy will lead to reconciliation (as human consensus) which the system will respect fairly.

During the first stage (Cure the World) the concept of trust will be built between the users of the application as well as between the user and the xHumanity system. We will make this possible through the use of the Reputation and Find Fakes modules but also through charity actions.

In the second stage (Fair Economy) an Ecosystem will be completed which will offer financial utility from the application. The Free Market and Ads module but also the integration of the exchange into the system economy will offer users the possibility to earn a fair share of income. This is the stage for the integration of the xHumanity token into the real economy

The last stage (Free Humanity) This includes the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence). If in the previous stage we had taken care of the design and programming of AA (Autonomous Agents), this is the stage for creating a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

Media and Social Issues

Each of us spend a large part of our day on social media every day. Our use of social media is increasing, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic process began. In fact, the first growth started with the integration of mobile phones with social media accounts. While social media often offers a variety of advantages, sometimes it can lead to serious negative developments.

In today's understanding of social media, income distribution is unfair. Most high-income accounts change hands by buying and selling between individuals, which is also only one thing that really discredits the process. When there was no concept of justice, lynch culture began. Most people use bot accounts to clamp down on individuals they don't like and take away their liberty. People cannot freely express what they want to say.

Moreover, as you will remember from the Facebook scandal, today's classic social media platforms do not respect personal assets and information and data. Even though you continue to use the platform thinking that you are using the platform for free, they are stealing the most valuable information from you by selling your data which you think no one has access to.

Today's social media platforms are simply intermediary organizations planning to buy and sell the information they have acquired throughout their lives instead of adding value to people's lives. They are companies where people are not free, reputation has no value, only the money the company earns matters.


Thanks to technological advances in the near future, humanity could be in a situation where people will lose their economic utility so that the economic system will no longer value them (in the free market). Although robots and computers today can replace humans in many sectors, in the near future Artificial Intelligence will not be able to acquire human attributes such as sensations and emotions. 

This situation together with the loss of human economic utility raises important questions: What is more important: Intelligence or Consciousness? The answer is quite simple. If intelligence is to be integrated in algorithms, consciousness must belong to humans. Through a set of algorithms, rules and human values, xHumanity is here to help people determine if they are keeping their most important aspect: self-awareness. Modern people suffer from the fear of being left behind. Even though we have more choices than ever,

K4 2019
Project start
Basic concept & core team building
K1 2020
Clear problem statement
General analysis and design, the basis of the reputation system.
K2 2020
Project creation and details
Functional design, find fake concepts, whitepaper guidelines, Website starts
K3 2020
Holochain developed, completed, and published a whitepaper, building an expanded team
K4 2020
Start a project
Archetypal design, infrastructure development, community development
K1 2021
The first prototype
wallet, basic UI and services
K2 2021
Basic dApp, standard reputation calculation, mobile application
K3 2021
Full reputation and reward system built
K4 2021
Alpha phase
Node interoperability, network simulation, testnet scaling
K1 2022
Phase beta 1
Mainnet test, beta test and additional functions, category-tags, proposals
K2 2022
Phase beta 2
Expanded social media functions: experiences, relationships, community
K3 2022
Add functionality
blogs, forum-topic-threds, questions and answers, chats, groups
K4 2022
Adds all media formats combined into the platform
For more details
by ; Kopisusu 4000

link: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953415 

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