Jumat, 27 April 2018

Bitcoin 2

"Bitcoin 2" 

Improved Blockchain Technology

Bitcoin Crypto currency has become a real phenomenon in the last decade. This causes the interest of Internet users continue to increase. The history of Bitcoin is closely related to the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, who first told the world about the creation of a new monetary system.

Customer e-mail resources gmane.comp.encryption.general receive a message from the sender named Satoshi Nakamoto. The message contains a description of the essence and properties of the crypto currency created called bitcoin. Customer is explained that this new virtual currency unit is legally protected from fraudulent operations, independent of any organization, and provides anonymous opportunity for its owner.

Bitcoin is a worldwide payment system that allows for transactions with this currency. The main difference between traditional payment systems is that the Bitkoyn system has no central processing and processing - all operations occur exclusively within the same customer network.

There is no "registration" concept, anyone can participate in the network.
The wallet is not tied to the identity of the user, everyone can make the number of wallets and unlimited terms.

Unlimited, anonymous and unlimited money transfers worldwide No intermediaries, digital money directly transferred between users, It is impossible to block transfers, freeze money in users, or "roll back" transactions already done.

Bitcoins can be stored on computers, smartphones, online wallets, on special devices, or in safe safes. There is no controlling organization, bitcoin prices are determined solely by market demand and supply.

The bitcoin release is very limited and predictable, it is impossible to "run the printing press" and make lots of biton. Because bitcoins have open source code, some programmer teams have to deal with development all at once. They have their own vision of how e-currency should be developed. Often people's opinions about bitcoin pathways are much different.

Bitcoin 2  is a measured Bitcoin with private transactions and directly verified payments. It is open source, anonymous, fast and based on the "Proof of a bet" algorithm.

Benefits of Bitcoin 2.

Low Commission.
Send money anywhere in the world for less than a cent.

Fast translation.
SwiftTX payment is confirmed instantly.

Anyone with a computer can join in making money to contribute to Blockchain.

Private, impossible to track.
Send transactions anonymously using the Zerocoin and Tor protocols.

Transaction speed.
The maximum amount of transactions is about 40 times higher than Bitcoin.

Economical .
Bitcoin 2 uses the Proof of Stake algorithm that is tested thoroughly. Electricity consumption is significantly reduced compared to Bitcoin and this is only part of the main picture.

Bounty Campaign.
Another way to participate in a project is a bonus campaign, where you can help project creators with marketing in various ways. For example, through social networks, like Facebook or Twitter, or even translating projects into other languages ​​and so on.
For participation, you will be given a token.

More information about campaigns with bonuses you can find on the following links:

by ;   Kopisusu 4000
link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953415

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