Sabtu, 21 April 2018



 New Player in Real Estate Investment



28 FEB 2018 - 13 MAR 2018

new technologies  that implement  blockchain technology   into the global Real Estate investment industry.
It lowers entry barriers and increases market liquidity at transparent prices, providing greater access to global investment and real estate.
Equitybase offers an effective and safe investment and investment model of the equivalent of 500+ billion Dollars in cryptocurrency; by generating rental income, appreciation of value and hedges against a less stable and growing real estate market.

Do they have a whitepaper?

Yes they do it! The whitepaper can be obtained by email on   their  web page .

Who is this for?

Everyone and anyone interested!
Simple equitybase: gives everyone the opportunity to invest directly in high-quality real estate.

Why should I invest?

Historically, real estate has proven to be one of the best performing investments. However, often most of the profits from projects end up mostly in the pockets of institutional investment partners  (who in fact act as intermediaries standing between real estate investors and actual people whose money is invested)  .
With no middlemen combined with stock liquidity but income from private equity investments, Equitybase will offer a diverse real estate investment platform that is available directly to anyone online.

Real Estate and What should you know about it?

Real estate, what is it?

Real estate is property, land, buildings and natural resource rights (air, water, flora and fauna, etc.) Above and below ground. Real estate can also be defined as a producer, buying and selling property consisting of land or buildings. Real estate is one of the best asset classes to preserve and grow your money.

Jenis Real Estado

  1. Perumahan real state
Real estate housing is an area developed for people to live in. Residential real estate is the easiest to finance due to low initial cost. This includes the construction and resale of the house. There are many types of residential real estate such as duplexes, triple-deckers, quadplexes, high-value homes, holiday homes and the most common are single-family homes.
2.  Commercial real estate
Commercial real estate is a non-residential property that is only used for business. Commercial real estate generally has a higher start up compared to housing but will generate more income as well. It includes hotels and offices, shopping malls / strip malls, medical and educational buildings. The apartment building is not commercial, but a residence. People will usually classify apartment buildings under commercial because they have an income.
3.  Industrial real state
Real estate industry is land and building that is utilized or suitable for industrial activities. Generally financed by companies for their product products. Real estate industries include manufacturing facilities, warehouses, distribution centers and space research and development. Some buildings that distribute goods are considered commercial real estate. Zoning, construction and sales are handled differently from other real estate, which makes the classification important.
4.  Raw Ground 
Raw soil is land that does not have the necessary basic services necessary to utilize it for other purposes. Generally the most difficult to finance. These include vacant lots, farms and farms. It has more natural resources such as minerals, forest products and water.

Real Estate Compared to Other Assets Class

There are many types of asset classes, such as stocks and equities, debt including fixed income / bonds, money markets or cash equivalents and the greatest of them are real estate.
Stocks and Equities  around the world have a value of 73 trillion dollars.
Fixed Debt / Fixed Income / Bonds /  215 trillion dollars worldwide.
Money Market or Cash Equivalents  around the world has a value of 90.4 trillion dollars.
Real estate  as the highest asset class reaches 217 trillion dollars worldwide.

Who can go to Real Estate?

Before today's real estate technology was only for the rich. Now days you can easily fit into it through crowdfunding equity.

How Real Estate Business Works

Real estate is about people, property, making deals and creating value. Real estate has asymmetric risks and rewards. Low risk equals low profits, while high risk gives higher returns. Wealth has been created and lost in real estate and real estate has mobilized individuals into stars like Barbara Corcoran, Donald Trump and Lee Shau Kee.

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